Writer’s Reflection

Breanna Stewart

Professor Slentz

Writer’s Reflection

May 14, 2020

      Coming into this class I was more of a free writer. I also was not good with grammar and punctuation. With each assignment I learned how to structure my work. I also got better with being able to fix my grammatical errors. With each assignment my writing process has evolved, because I gradually was able to see mistakes quicker and organize my essays better. Exposing my paper to different people for feedback has contributed to my writing growth the most.With my partner I was able to clean up my work.   At first I did not like the idea, but my partner was always able to point out typos and grammatical errors that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. My scientific writing could be applied to other writing situations both inside and outside the classroom, because I could use the evidence and facts that I would normally get from science and apply it to other aspects of life.  

  After taking this course I improved my approach to drafting and revising. I set and accomplished my goal of being able to fix my grammar and punctuation. I gained new skills including creating a digital portfolio. I have also strengthened my skills in paraphrasing,analyzing and communication by doing group work. I am now able to define rhetorical situations, tone and purpose due to writing exercises like free writes and assigned readings. I really enjoyed being able to articulate my opinion through and in my writing. I was able to acknowledge my classmates’ criticism and opinions as a resource. I learned to cooperate with others to improve my writing skills.