Formal Letter of Introduction

Breanna Stewart
160 Convent Ave, New York, NY 10031
6 February 2020

Dear Ms.Kristine Slentz,

I am excited to be telling you about my admiration for science. I have loved science since as long as I can remember. Science was the only subject that learning seemed fun and interactive. Getting your hands messy, wearing goggles and seeing chemical reactions always interested me compared to an old war or some hard math equation. I first started studying science in first grade among other subjects, but science always stuck out. I was always the bookworm kid and rarely preferred to go outside unless it had something messy attached to it. I would always force my sister to assist me in making mud pies(dirt put in the form of a pie), because mixing random outside stuff including leaves,dirt, and twigs fulfilled my curiosity and as the oldest I just enjoyed being in charge. Science still fulfills my curiosity and allows me to be in charge.

It was at home where I found out that I actually liked science, but in school where I studied it. The aspects of science that I am mostly drawn to naturally are the practice of logical reasoning and being able to have a skeptical attitude. In other subjects you do not get to explore and ask questions, you just have to settle what’s mostly being taught. Science is a field where it is based on evidence and is reliable whereas for example History has a good portion of what he said she said to it. Science is a hands on and versatile field, which makes it interesting.

I hope the science community and global community starts to present science in a way that is relevant to people’s cultural values and communities. Science and STEM fields seem far and distant for certain people, because science is not as diverse as it could be. The lack of representation further puts us from the process of science. I plan to do outreach programs or become a mentor, so that people can see more people like them in science. For this semester, I plan to learn how to analyze scientific articles and be able to argue my view based on the article. I plan to go to medical school after City College and become a surgeon. At the end of this semester, I hope I have learned APA formatting and learned how to organize a lab report. I hope to improve my grammar. I hope to accomplish my goals, by reading your comments on my work and re editing. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Breanna Stewart